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These are in our neighbors’ yard. No idea what species/variety they are. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Alan does this photo help with the ID?
Leena The third picture the same plant as picture three, 16th of January, this one was taken Feb 13.
Villu, so nice to see that you have already snowdrops in full flower. Here there is mostly snow up to my knees, so no hope in seeing snowdrops soon. Many times also here snowdrops come through snow and flower even within the snow, but this year I think they might be late anyway, because in December we had such cold temperatures and no snow, and so ground is frozen deeper this year than normal. In spite of the amount of snow, we got in February.
Leena, we had exactly the opposite! Snow came early in December and covered deeply unfrozen land. So I think that might be the reason, why snowdrops are early this year and started to bloom in deep snow. Some are still completely covered.