How can you rely on the labelling?
As you have found, David, mostly, you cannot rely on it at all. Look at the so-called
Galanthus nivalis that Ian featured the other week which were a mixture of G. elwesii and G. wornowii..... since then I have heard of other pots of these Galanthus, probably all from the same supplier, that have been bought all over the country, some of which not only did not contain any
Galanthus nivalisthey also had, Ornithogalums, Scillas and other assorted bulbs in there! So much for the "grown on a british nursery" label!! That is just out and out mis-representation, I believe of wild collected bulbbs just potted up for a while in the UK to qualify for the labelling, but I don't know whether the mis-naming of Crocus etc is fraud, to make you buy more varieties, or just is certainly one or the other!