Thanks for the reply. I was wonder because Chen Yi has sent something under Allium cyathoprum (misspelling intended) that at least one person has called ericetorum. For those that may have this plant with greyish-green leaves and a late summer flowering of ivory or creamy white it keys to A. maowanense, excepting a few very minor details.
Now I must say that I doubt your Allium canadense, especially if it is flowering now. A.canadense and var. lavendulare should flower in mid-late May, var mobilense (arenicola, mutabile, etc) flowers in early-mid May, var. fraseri (a species in its own right IMHO) should flower in late April to early early May.
Mine are all dormant now and will put up new leaves in October or early November.
Below are photos of A.c.var. lavendulare from eastern Kansas.
And another from Chen Yi that I have yet to key out, but I have been told it looks like saxatile which should be conspecific with globosum, which I have from either Georgia or the Ukraine, and looks nothing like it.
Aaron Floden
Knoxville, TN