Thank you all for taking time and look at the picture.
Aaron it is indeed a Polymnia. I just had the man on the phone who told me that
the tubers are exactly looking like the one on the Website which Maggi put in her posting.
Maggi it's strange but when I googled Polymnia I did not find this Dutch site.
But I discovered on this site that there is another Website in English too.
There the plant Polymnia sonchifolia is said to be
Polymnia edulis and P. sonchifolia is a Synonym.
Here is the address and it is very interesting reading! too is that the man on the phone told me that his tubers were between imported Dahlia tubers
from UK last winter. There were 4 of them and he got 2 of them.
THIS IS REALLY A WONDERFUL FORUM!! So many nice and knowledgeable people.