These bulletins ex an Ulster Group member were going in the recycling bin so I saved them for you.
If you are interested in any I need for each bulletin
A5 envelope with your address and 78p stamps for the UK
A5 envelope with your address and €3 for the USA
A5 envelope with your address and €3 for Ireland
A5 envelope with your address and €3 for Europe
A5 envelope with your address and €3 for Australia and NZJune '93 - articles on Geraniums for rock gardens and Eriogonums
December '01 - In Search for wild daffodils
March '95
2 copies - Calochortus
June '96
2 copies - AGS China expedition
September '95 - New Zealand special
June '97
2 copies - feature on Aberconwy nursery, Californian flora,
December '92 - Rocky Mountain plants
December '03
2 copies - Rock gardening in Estonia
Do we have any Estonian members?December '97
3 copies - The Burren, California flora contrasts
March '94
2 copies - John Good's Welsh garden, Tasmanian orchids,
December '94
2 copies - plants of Serra da Estrela, some treasures in eastern Turkey, John Good's Welsh garden part 2
June 95 - kaleidoscopic Calochortus, a week in Dachstein Massif, Afro alpines
March '97 - hiking in Alaska, Japanese Arisaemas, north Cyprus endemics, California flora contrasts pt 1,
June '03 - the alpine meadow, Adonis and relatives, Tony Goode (who?) Crocus in the garden,
March '93 - raised beds, British primulas, Helleborus torquatus,
March '02 - Romulea, Iranan odyssey part two
June '01 - Caucasian memories, Turkish memories, the Fairy Slipper Orchid Calyso bulbosa, Farrer plants 2000, rock garden Paeonies,
March 99 - Midi in March, NZ Myosotis, Roscoeas, Daphne seed, Ran. glacialis,
September '98 - cultivation of rare bulbs, Bob Wallis' bulb frame, Frits for the garden, new Lilium from Turkey, Iris winkleri,
June '98 - Tierra del Fuego, Lebanon & Syria, Greek mountain plants, A. furness alpine garden, Cypriot orchids, renovation of Kew's rockery,
March '98
2 copies - Pyrenee plants, Californian plants, Polish Tatras,
December '98 - hybrid Cassiopes, Pleione renaissance, no photos,
September '98
2 copies - bulb special
December '95
3 copies - Brit Col. wild flowers, Dinosaur daisy Hy. lapidicola, NE Turkey (AGS), plant awards '94 - '95
June '94 - Bill Baker Ganesh Himal, alpine Penstemons, trough garden,
December '93 - Portugese Sedums, Pleione Gerry Mundey in detail, Albanian plants, Plant awards 92-93, Spanish Pyrenees, Cretan cliff dwellers,
December '91 - awards '90-'91, rock types,
September '91
2 copies - orchids from southern Greece, Lhonak Valley of Sikkim, Ecuador, hardy ferns for alpine gardens,
March '91 - petiolarid Primulas, north Swedish mountain flora, interesting show plants '89-'90
June '91 - orchids in Rhodes, Androsace introductions, Ecuador, Pleione forrestii 'Keith Rattray'
I want it!!! , highland flora of Madasgascar
Please wait until all are listed before asking. I'll let you know when they are all listed