I have potted up some cerastium tomentosa,vebena small-vigourous ground huggers, Hypericum olympicum into 9 cm pots. They were cuttings taken with in humid sandwich boxes which roots well. I fear I am getting a little growth 'check' from transfering them from this warm condition to the potted up colder condition. This is what I do-
On removing cuttings from humid sandwich box I pot them up into the the 9cm pot. I put them in a very slightly shaded growhouse with about 1/4 ventilation for 5 days. I then assume that they need more light and a little more ventiliation into the 2nd week and transfer them into another growhouse with full light given its end of october.
Given the time of year I may have been a little quick with hardening them to fast? Also the potting compost was left outside and could have made the roots to cold since they were in warm in sandw. box. previously(I have moved compost into shed now). The cuttings were a little small on rooting in few cases too. A small amount of plants are a little yellow,possibly cold damaged or checked.
Would be interesting to hear opinions on this. Many thanks for all the help.