I do a bit of swapping and often send out plants in the spring and summer to people who haven't got anything to swap with at the time but will came back to me with the Pleione swapping season start. I always tell myself that i should keep track of who I've sent to but i always forget. So far people have always contacted me when the time came (Or maybe I've just forgotten about it
This morning the mailman miraculously arrived before I'd left for work and he brought a small parcel with no return address. I always get an email saying something like 'I've sent you a package, please let me know when it arrives', but this time i wasn't expecting anything. Before i styart tracking through several forum inboxes and 6 month of mail, I'd just ask here if any of you sent the package with Pleiones.
Still, a nice way to start an othervice dull and foggy Monday morning
The sender has now been identified.