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Author Topic: SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season  (Read 2733 times)

Maggi Young

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SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:13:38 AM »
The SRGC Seed Exchange
Seed of over 4000 species and varieties of alpine and rock plants and bulbs suitable for rock, peat and woodland gardens is listed annually in the Seed List of the SRGC Seed Exchange. A great many of these seeds are not available commercially.
The SRGC Seed List is prepared annually, issued in November: only current SRGC members may order seed, which is distributed during January and early February, so members receive their seed in time for spring sowing.
In the opinion of many, the SRGC Seed Exchange is the world's best.
Follow the link below for the 2007 and 2008 Seed Exchange lists which are now in the form of a downloadable pdf file. These lists are now closed, but the lists remain on the website as a reference and an information source.
The Seed Exchange service is exclusive to members of the SRGC, so if you are not a member, why not join now and join in the Seed Exchange! http://www.srgc.org.uk/member/member.html
For good practical information on seed sowing and care of the seedlings, look no further that this superb article by Ian Christie in the Nursery Workshop section of this site. Seed sowing tutorial. http://www.srgc.org.uk/nurseryws/290104/content.html
The bonus of being a seed donor is that you get the Seed List sent to you automatically (All Overseas members will also automatically get the Seed List), you get 25 packets of seed in the main Seed Distribution (only 16 if you are a non-donor) - and Donors are given priority in the Seed Distribution.

Autumn 2009 Seed Donation
The deadline is now passed for the donation of seeds to the 2009 Exchange.
Grateful thanks to all those Members who have supported the Exchange by donating seed.

2009 Seed Packeting
Seed packeting will take place during November and early December: our small army of volunteers will be hard at work for you all once again, and the seed will be passed onto the Seed Distribution Team between Christmas and New Year.

2009-10 Seed Distribution
Seed Ordering  
Current seedlist is available to browse or download here: http://www.srgc.org.uk/seed/seedlist.php

The new online seed ordering / secure payment site worked well in 2008-09 and will be operational again for the 2009-10 distribution. You will be able to visit it and order seed by clicking this link from 15th November. http://www.seedexchange.org.uk
You will require a password which will be given in the paper seed list, and your membership number, which should be on the address label which brought you your paper list, though it seems this is uncertain... some folks seem to be finding other numbers! If in doubt, email info@srgc.org.uk to check!
You will also be able to apply for seed by post using the forms supplied in the seed list and available online. Full details of how to order seed will be on the forms
All Seed donors and all overseas members will automatically get the Seed List by post.
UK non-donors will have to apply for a copy of the seed list as usual. Please send a C5-size stamped and addressed envelope (with an ‘ordinary’ stamp; ’large’ type not needed) to
Prof. Stuart Pawley, Acres of Keillour, Methven, Perth. Scotland, U.K. PH1 3RA.
Seed Distribution
The SRGC Seed Distribution in 2009-10 will again be completed by the Edinburgh Group of the Scottish Rock Garden Club.
Seed distribution work will begin on the first Saturday in January, and we hope to have all main orders completed by January 18th.
Surplus seed distribution will not begin until all main orders are completed; ie not before Jan 18th, so members will receive their main and surplus orders a few weeks apart. We hope to complete the surplus distribution by the first weekend in February.
Seed orders must reach Alan Hayes by 15th January; we cannot guarantee to meet orders received later.
Queries about seed orders should be addressed to alan.hayes31@blueyonder.co.uk, but please do not enquire about the whereabouts of main orders until 25th January at the earliest, and surplus orders before 5th February.
Donors’ orders will be completed on the basis of their donation record; if you donate more seed and donate for more years, you will move up the donors’ priority list. Non-donors and surplus seed orders will be dealt with in order of their arrival date with Alan Hayes.
Seed Exchange Notice for USA Members In 2006 the US authorities introduced new regulations regarding the import of seeds into the US, which apply to all US residents requiring seed from the Seed Exchange. To participate in the SRGC Seed Exchange, our US members must have a 'Small Lots of Seeds' permit, which is issued by APHIS. We advise that you get the permit now, rather than wait until the seed list arrives. You can find details of how to get a permit at : http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/plant_imports/smalllots_seed.shtml We must emphasise that it has to be a 'small lots' permit, as this is the only permit which does not require phytosanitary certification at our end. When you send your seed order, we need a copy of the permit, the conditions attached to it and a green and yellow customs label for that permit for each of your orders - one for a main order, and one for each order of 50 packets in the surplus. Please read all Seed Exchange instructions before ordering You can copy your permit as many times as you need, and we understand the permit lasts for three years, so get it now and use it till 2010! Please ensure your permit is still valid before you send copies through to us. We must stress that "no permit, no seed" is the SRGC rule! We will do our best to get everyone their seed, but it must be in compliance with USDA regulations.
The Archive File
We will keep old seed lists here for reference purposes only. Seed can no longer be ordered from these lists.
If you are ordering seed, please be sure only to order from the 2009/2010 list. If checking seed numbers from previous lists, please check that you are consulting the correct version. Remember, the numbering for all species changes each year as different seeds are donated. Click Here For The SRGC 2008 / 2009 Seed List You must have Adobe Acrobat reader installed on your computer for this to work. This can be downloaded free from Adobe's site by clicking HERE http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/
If you would rather not down-load the Acrobat Read, it can be had free of charge from many sources. For example, any good PC magazine at your newsagent that comes with a CD or DVD will almost certainly have a copy of Acrobat Reader you can install.
Click Here For The SRGC 2007 / 2008 Seed List You must have Adobe Acrobat reader installed on your computer for this to work. This can be downloaded free from Adobe's site by clicking HERE http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/
Autumn 2010 Seed Donation
The 2010 Seed Donation will operate in the same way as recent years:
Donating Seed
If members have seed they would like to donate, please send it, individually packaged per variety, preferably in a paper envelope, and cleaned of all seed cases, debris, insects, etc to:- Prof. Stuart Pawley, Acres of Keillour, Methven, Perth. Scotland, U.K. PH1 3RA.
Please include your name and address and a clearly written list of the seed you are sending. Don't be put off if you only have a small amount of seed of a species- it may be the small amount that no-one else has, and that someone would love to have.
The deadline for seed to arrive at Stuart’s door is 31st October 2010 please.
If you have any "late maturing" seed that cannot be sent until after that deadline, please send the information about this seed as early as possible and at the latest, before 31st October, to Stuart at gsp.srgc@tesco.net. Please send the list in the body text of an e- mail, not as an attachment of any kind – Stuart can’t afford to acquire a computer virus at this critical time. It is important to get this information to Stuart before the deadline so we can produce the seed list in time for mailing.
Please send late seed as soon as you can after October 31st
The bonus of being a seed donor is that you get the Seed List sent to you automatically (All Overseas members will also automatically get the Seed List), you get 25 packets of seed in the main Seed Distribution (only 16 if you are a non-donor) - and the Donors are given priority in the Seed Distribution.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 06:31:16 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 10:23:34 PM »
Some notes about online ordering and the seedlist online:
You need  your membership number  plus the password given in the paperlist to make first access to the site, then you choose another password of your own to allow you to return to the site and login with that password and your number that would be the registering phase. Then an email is sent to you which you need to click on to fully activate your account with the Seed exchange.
When you  receive the activation email : click on it as required to complete.  If the email does not arrive quickly, please check your email spam filter/box, becasue the activation emails can be caught up in those. Once you have that email and click on the link in it, all should be well.

A couple of hints:  1)the paper list says, for the surplus seed choice " the number sequence is your choice" but, in fact, online, the numbers will sort automatically in the surplus area to numerical order. Edit Fred has corrected this!
2) if there is no activity on the site for a period of 15 minutes while you are ordering,  the session will time out, but not if there is some keyboard activity.
3) you can leave and return while your order is being decided upon, but do NOT click "complete" until you are very sure that you have fully completed your order.

The password is given in the paper list to ensure that only members receiving the paper list can access the online ordering in the first instance.... this is to make things fairer for those without internet access.

There is now an online copy of the seedlist available to be downloaded and browsed by anyone, here:
http://www.srgc.org.uk/seed/seedlist.php .....
 but the ordering pages and other info, including the password, are not available online, to prevent access by non-SRGC members. However, if your list had not yet arrived, or you forgot to ask for one, you may email me and I will, (after verifying your SRGC membership status) be pleased to forward the ordering pages and password to you so that you may proceed to make your seed order, whether by post or by the online service.

Hope this helps!

4)  You may list substitutes for your main seed allocation, but not for surplus seed.
By the time of the Surplus distribution, many items are depleted and advice is given in the ordering pages to ask for twice as many Taxa as you wish to receive: That is NOT advisable: as there is no Substitute option for Surplus seed,  you will have to pay for all seed requested, and no refund is given if your order cannot be filled.
 Rather than ask for individual  item numbers in the surplus order, it may be worth considering ordering in the “Block” way, entering, for instance 1395- 1411 (10)… that is : 10 packets from the items numbered 1395 to 1411….which may well result in you getting more of the seeds you want.
Please note:  Surplus seed is charged for in multiples of 25 packets.

The maximum order number of surplus seed packets is 200.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 06:54:20 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 10:31:44 AM »
The requirement to provide a hard list of seed ordered for orders to the likes of Australia is given in the paper list and refers to paper orders, submitted by post.
For Online orders  the system will be used to generate a hard list to go with your seed.

The requirement for USA members to send in all the relevant documentation with their Small Lots of Seed Import Permit is paramount whether the order is made by post or online.A list for each seed lot is also required.  For the USA,  no permit, no seed!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 03:42:50 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 11:08:08 PM »
Can I have your attention, Folks ?
 I have been beavering away this evening and I have produced this pdf file, attached below, left click on the name to open or right click to download it....
It is a Guide to take you through the  access, registration and activation process of the SRGC Seed Exchange.  I have used screen grabs and details thereof to illustrate the stages from seeing the "Seed Exchange" button on the home page of www.srgc.org.uk  to being at the threshold of making your seed order..... I do hope this will help any of you having difficulty.  
I also hope it will be of comfort to you that lots of other Members are sailing through the system without pause, proving that the system DOES work!

* Online Seed ordering - the stages comp.pdf (374.88 kB - downloaded 279 times.)
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2009, 01:15:36 PM »
Now the Second part of the Online Seed ordering guide. The first dealt with the registration and activation of your account...... this part takes you through the actual ordering process ......

 Click on this link to open or download
* online seed ordering guide comp.pdf (484.2 kB - downloaded 227 times.)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 01:58:28 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2010, 06:15:12 PM »

A reminder, Folks, if you have not yet made your seed exchange order.......
Orders must be received by alan Hayes, whether by post or online BY 15th January.

Seed orders must reach Alan Hayes by 15th January; we cannot guarantee to meet orders received later.

If you are a current Member of SRGC and have not yet made your order but wish to order seed, I suggest the best way to do so now is via the online system..... email info@srgc.org.uk for the seedlist password or to check your membership status and number..... :) 
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange General Info for 2009-2010 Season
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2010, 01:08:20 PM »
Sunday 31st January
News just in from the Seed Gang that they have now filled all the orders and got them posted out.

As we have seen from some of the examples quoted in the Forum already, the postal systems of the world are not all working as fast as we might hope, so please , if your seed order has yet to arrive, wait for 10 -14 days before getting in touch as it is likely just making its way slowly to your door!

Also, if you are a USA member, please check your emails and spam filters to see if there is a message there,  reminding you to send in your APHIS permits!  ::)

That noise you just heard was probably the sound of the Seed Team heaving a sigh of relief as they sit down to rest! 8)
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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