The next Meconopsis Group meeting at the RBGE on 6th March 2010 (which includes their AGM earlier in the day) will feature a talk by Paul Egan, who has written an article on 'Expedition Meconopsis- the Ethnobotany Nepal Himalaya Project' in the Rock Garden No. 124 January 2010
Paul, who coordinated this expedition to study Meconopsis in the wild in the autumn of 2008 and will talk about the new findings at 1.00 pm
The day will also include two talks by Dr Chris Grey-Wilson who was awarded the VMH by the RHS in recognition of his work as botanist, photographer, botanical explorer and author. He is editor of the Alpine Garden Society's Bulletin.
Fuller details of the day :
10.00 to 11.00 Mec. Group welcome and AGM
11.00 - 12.15
‘The taxonomy of the large blue poppies - trials and tribulations
Dr Chris Grey-Wilson
12.15 - 13.00
Bring your own picnic Lunch - Complimentary Teas and Coffees
13.00 - 14.00
'New findings on Meconopsis from Nepal'
Paul Egan
14.00 - 15.00
‘A miscellany of old and new - getting intimate with the smaller Meconopses’
Dr Chris Grey-Wilson
15.00 - 15.30
‘Members' Questions........ and answers'
Ian Christie
Arrangements for the Meeting
Venue Conference Room, Royal Botanic Garden, 20 Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5 Tel.0131 552 7171
Get directions on website Charge There will be a nominal charge of £4 to attend this meeting, but this will include a lucky numbered ticket.
50:50 Plant Sale Please bring plants for a 50:50 plant sale (2 labels per pot, one for your name and the price, the other for the plant name). This is an important part of our day as the sale of plants will help to distribute the plants more widely among members and will boost our funds. Both Meconopsis and other plants are welcome.
Picnic lunch Please bring your own lunch to the meeting. Tea and coffee will be provided at 10.00am and at lunchtime.
Guests will be made very welcome
Note for New Members If you are unsure of the arrangements please contact the Secretary...... for full details.