cohan, i´ve got...y. rostrata, thompsoniana, elata, glauca with many ssp., baccata, linearifolia, angustissima, bella, bailayi, x karlsruhensis, filamentos, recurvifolia, avia, nana, constricta, faxoniana, navajoa, arizonica, aloifolia, reverchonii, rupicola, arkansana, arkansana ssp. lousianensis, brevifolia,natural hybrids between linoarifolia and rostrata, rigida and rostrata, thomsoniana and rostrata.
and many agaves like....utahensis and ssp., havardianas, neomexicanas, parryi and ssp., schottii, lechuguilla and natural hybrids with havardiana and neomexicana, ovatifolia, megalacantha....many opuntias and a lot of echinocereus too.....
you see, here in sothwestern germany are a lot of species winterhardy in the garden....