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Author Topic: Rhododendron misgrowth  (Read 1264 times)


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Rhododendron misgrowth
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:53:20 AM »
While waiting for my rhododendrons to flower I remembered these pictures taken last autumn.
I think it is a Rh 'Viscy'. It couldn't decide either to make leaves or flowers.
It is the second year this happens.
Anybody else experiencing such growth?
Trond Hoy, gardening on the rainy west coast of Norway.


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Re: Rhododendron misgrowth
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 02:16:53 PM »
While waiting for my rhododendrons to flower I remembered these pictures taken last autumn.
I think it is a Rh 'Viscy'. It couldn't decide either to make leaves or flowers.
It is the second year this happens.
Anybody else experiencing such growth?

Hoy - This phenomenom is not at all uncommon here. We have seen leafy shoots sprout right through as flower bud and one year flower yak buds formed in the leaf axils all the way along the stems. Usually the former happens in late summer after a dry period, the plant seems to decide that the rains indicate it time to shoot and abort the bud initiation.

John in coastal Nova Scotia


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