Not seeds wanted this time but seed available if anyone is interested.
I have just harvested (yesterday) and cleaned (this morning) about 200 seeds of one of my favourite Arisaemas, A. nepenthoides. It is a beauty with widely hooded spathes and beautifully marked leaf and flower stems. Flowers for me at about 50cms in latish spring. Seed heads are the usual elongated club-like head made up of many scarlet fruits, 1-5 or 6 seeds in each fruit. I do have several photos but can't access them easily I'll go on trying and put here if possible.
Anyway, if you would like some seed please email or PM me with your postal address. No need to include postage. I'll sow some and save some for SRGC exchange but would like to get some out now while still very fresh. In my experience with Arisaema, the fresher the seed, the higher percentage of germination.