Maybe one of our Danish members can tell you if Sven-Aage Askjaer's nursery is still open. His website is down I see. Jens Birck certainly knows him well. If Svend-Aaage cannot help or re-direct you to someone who has them then you might try Glendoick Gardens. Their Phyllodoces may not be plentiful enough to be in their catalogue.
I searched my computer to find the source of mine and only come up with this:
4464 PHYLLODOCE CAERULEA H-9” A beautiful and very hardy circumpolar plant with small dark-green foliage and a very heavy bloom of pink blooms. P,r,pt. $5.50
4474 PHYLLODOCE x INTERMEDIA “DRUMMONDII” [P.EMPETRIFORMIS x P.GLANDULIFLORA] H-10” Pretty narrowly-bell shaped red-purple blooms held over mats of narrow, dark-green foliage. The easiest to please of this genus. W.America. P,r,pt. $5.50 3 FOR $14.50
4484 PHYLLODOCE EMPETRIFORMIS H-10” A beautiful dwarf shrublet with many bell shaped blooms of red-purple held in umbels in late spring. Wash. Cascades. P,r,pt. $5.50 3 FOR $14.50
4494 PHYLLODOCE “FLORA SLACK” [P.CAERULEA x P.GLANDULIFLORA] H-3” An almost prostrate little shrublet with narrow foliage and rich violet-red blooms at the tips of the stems. P,r,t. $5.50 3 FOR $14.50
Does anyone recognize this excerpt from a catalogue? Alpines Mt. Echo (Maria Galletti) or Mt. Tahoma (Rick Lupp)? Methinks maybe the latter though Alpines Mont Echo did have Phyllodoces; I'll dash off a note to Maria and see if she can assist you; and tell me where I got mine!