Hi Tony,
yes it is safe to repot now, but be a bit careful with the Sabine. I'd water the plants before repotting to keep the roots damp. Cyps are very sensitive to drying roots for even short lengths of time. I've found this out to my cost. After repotting water them again quickly.
Dont' keep the plants in your cool greenhouse for much longer - they hate any heat, especially when newly repotted.
They don't have well developed root systems, until they're multibudded, compared to most plants so cannot cope with high rates of transpiration that come with high temperatures.
My plants are just starting to show buds above the compost and they're already outside on the north side of the greenhouse. I'll cover them, as a precaution, if any serious frosts are forecast.
After they've started to grow and flower the only time my cyps come into the greenhouse is to photograph them.
When you see any growth at all, give the hybrids a good feed at full strength of of the usual white powders. They need quite a bit of nitrogen as the shoots grow and the leaves extend,