After sending my last pics of autumn flowering daffodils I now start a short report of my new method for a summer treatment of bulbs which need special conditions (baking) in order to develope flowers. It was tested successfully on nearly all Narcissus species which were chosen for a first run.
I started the heating period at June 13 th and finished at the end of August.
During that time the bulbs including their labels were stored totally dry in paperbags of 10 x 20 cm. They came into the inner box where a temperture of about 25 ° C was given.
The here pictured ΄warming box΄ was recreated after an example of Professor Theo Sanders from Essen, a renowened daffodil breeder with a preference for autumn flowering species.
The dimensions of the outer box are 50 x 50 x 50 cm, the inner box (placed on a rack) is 40 x 40 x 30 cm.
Heating is by means of an eighty-watt bulb which could be replaced by a heating resistor if
the bulbs were no longer available. Temperature control with a thermostat. The warmth of the lamp is spread evenly inside the interior by a fan.
I hope this description is understandable to some extent – I tried to do my best.
I am convinced that by using this method the cultivation of bulbs with a need for summer baking in northern cold and wet regions could be practised more efficiently.