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... I have germinated Ramonda serbica sown on moist perlite in a closed plastic container. The seed germinated two weeks after sowing. Apart from being very patient how should I now treat these tiny seedlings?
Oddly John, the other packet of Shortia you sent at the same time, while one germinated quickly, the others are coming up just now and in quantity, perhaps the single plus in this cool, damp summer the lower South Island is having.
Can anyone advise me on how to germinate seed of Blandfordia punicea,I have only ever got one seed to germinate and I let it get too dry and lost it after two years.I have tried everything including smoke but nothing works.
Does anybody have any experience with germinating Centrolepsis Monogyna (endemic Tasmanian Western Pincushion)
I don't have any experience of this one. Failing an answer from someone on the list, I'd suggest talking to someone at the Ridgeway nursery.