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If I were to buy seven Corydlis corms of some fancy type from Janis put and put them in a pot, they would give a really beautiful show in the spring but the growing skill would be Janis' not mine.
You have hit on an old hobbyhorse of mine, and one of the reasons I stopped showing. People with more money than sense showing nice big pot-full of Pleiones ( which at the time were about £8 each.) fresh from the supplier and popped in a pot with a bit of moss. They would then parade round the hall with a smile on their their like a Cheshire cat boasting about having won a first prize Enough said.
But in many ways you are missing the point of showing, at least in my sphere, local orchid group shows. We do it to 1. stimulate interest in growing orchids. 2. to raise awareness of our society and hopefully get a few new members, 3. to raise money for our society. We charge only £1 to enter, then make our money on refreshments, tombola etc. This makes a massive contribution to our finances, pays for our speakers, hall etc.4. to meet people, friends and total strangers. Over the next month I have four shows. The same people will exhibit at most of them, but many total strangers will come to visit, some for advice, some with a passion for orchids, others who know nothing but might leave with the thought of growing a few.Sure some shows have a competitve edge, only rosettes and the occasional trophy at our level and whilst some people are bothered about winning I believe that equally as many could not care less.
I believe that equally as many could not care less.