At least 300 nest boxes on one building in Azerbaijan
Dear Swift Friends & Colleagues,
You may recall an earlier mailing from us concerning the setting up of alternative nest places for the Swifts that lost their old nest places when the famous historic Maiden Tower in Baku, Azerbaijan, was recently undergoing conservation. The authorities erected many new nest boxes on an adjacent building so the Swift colony could find alternative nest places on its return from migration, and could even expand.
We advised on the use of Swift Calls to encourage the Swifts to move nest places, and it is working - in the You Tube video (shown below) you can see exciting views of the Swifts entering and exiting the new boxes. Loudspeakers were placed within some of the new nest boxes, a proven technique for gaining interest.
Baku is hosting the Eurovision Song Contest this year, and we hope that many of the multitude of visitors and participants will also see the new Swift nest boxes, which are a worthy spectacle in their own right, as well as a fine example of how to help Swifts survive!
Best wishes,
Yours, Edward Swift Conservation