Lesley, fleurbleue:
as soon as I saw that the lily was offered at
www.planteursbrigaudiere.com, I wrote to them and received the following answer today:
"...BUT we don't have more Lilium speciosum gloriosoides !!! We have stopped this lilium culture : too dificult to keep in live. After many years, we can say that this bulb is realy able to flower the first summer, then, it becomes more little every year and dies ! That's why we cannot find it in Europe... It's a lovely flower of course but too fragile..."
Currently there seems to be no commercial source in europe at all.
The imports from China were so cheap (3 US$ per plant) that most speciality gardeners only traded with this lily and did not cultivate it. Others cultivated it but most (if not all) failed.
So we have to wait for new imports (if there will ever be one) or look for private gardeners who were successful in cultivating this glorious lily.