Friends, a request has been received for needles of
Picea abies ssp.
alpestris for research at the Munich Botanic Garden:
"Dear all
For a research project on Picea, my director, Prof Susanne Renner, is looking for needles of
Picea abies ssp.
alpestris (Brügger) Domin.
According to Flora Europaea it is an intermediate between ssp.
abies and ssp.
obovata. Does anybody have this taxon in the collection?
If so, we would be very pleased if you could send us a branch with 20-100 needles.
Thanks in advance
Dr. Andreas Groeger (curator)
Botanischer Garten Muenchen-Nymphenburg
Menzinger Strasse 65; D-80638 Muenchen; Germany
tel: ++49-89-17861-320; fax: ++49-89-17861-324
I hope some forumistswill be able to assist in this project.