hello Everyone,
I have been contemplating some nice plants of Daphne mezereum at my local garden centre for quite a few months now...
I have just now finally made some space where I could possibly grow these.
I have read that at maturity, they can grow to about 150 cm's tall, however, these plants have been at the garden centre for a bit over a year, and are only about 30-60 cm's tall.. so I imagine that it is quite slow growing?
The reason I am asking about height is that I was thinking about planting them in association with some lilium regale, which here reach between 70 and 170 cm's, and I would not like them to "drown" in the daphnes if these eventually take up alot of space in terms of height and width, root space..etc
I have read that this daphne sp grown in limey soils in the wild, so I would imagine that it needs lime or neutral soil in cultivation and not acid?
at the garden centre the plants seem to do well in full sun, so I imagine it is a sun loving plant?
And a final question, these are available as potted plants for sale (outside) in the nursery at the moment. They seemed ok when i checked on them 2 weeks ago (no frost damage apparent, as i imagine the pots must have gotten frozen through a few times at night..).. Given the very mild january here this year, would it be possible to plant these now with good results?
I plan to try and grab 2 or 3 of these before they are all gone, either this week or next, so any advice would be very usefull
thank you