Bishop Middleham Quarry.
I was there two days running, but did not take many pictures; they were both very grey days, and on the first Peter Maguire was there with a proper camera.
On the first day, the Learned Professor was leading the group from North East England AGS and I was listening carefully, as on the second day yours truly was leading the group from Cleveland AGS, passing on the details I had learnt the day before.
A few plants from here are among my other Pictures (BMQ).
The plant forwhich this site is most famous, Epipactis atrorubens was there by the thousand. But almost all the plants needed another ten days or so to be at their best - try going next week. The few which were nearly flowering were through a fence and above a sheer drop. It is not easy to take pictures of this plant at the best of times.
The Cleveland group were civilised and begun with Lunch at the Dun Cow in Sedgefield. By the time they got to the site, it was impossible to keep them together, but there are twopictures with some familiar faces.