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Author Topic: Primula sikuensis  (Read 1752 times)

alan jones

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Primula sikuensis
« on: May 01, 2012, 11:59:02 AM »
 I obtained a small amount of seed of Primula sikuensis from SRGC’s 64th distribution, after reading a note of P35 of the seed list.  The author described it as a ‘small and most worthy gem, a cousin of the strapping P.polyneura’, and appealed for it to be kept going before its genes became contaminated.  I would like to say what a good natured plant it is, problem free and a pleasure to grow.  My seed was sown on Jan 1/11, and eight seedlings were pricked out on June 6/11.  Five have been raised in the alpine house and three outside.  The alpine house plants are in flower, with the exception of one that is just breaking its dormancy [!].  The flower stems range from ten and a half inches to one foot.  The ones outside are getting ready to flower but the stems are at least half the size, four and a half inches, more in character, I imagine, in contrast to the ones in the a/h that have been grown in humus rich compost in ideal conditions.  The flowers are an enchanting blue, and intoxicatingly scented.  I have had my pollinating brush out, so I’m hoping for some seed to send back to the exchange.

Diane Clement

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Re: Primula sikuensis
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 02:51:33 PM »
Halda and John Richards (First Edition) both say P sikuensis is a synonym for P polyneura , as does The Plant list(whether as a species or a ssp of polyneura)

The SRGC seedlist refers to "Richard’s statement of provenance for the species" so I assume this is in the Second edition of his Primula book.  I haven't got the second edition, although, co-incidentally I've just ordered it.  Does anyone have it to see what he says?  I'd also be interested to know the provenance of this seed donation -  does anyone know??

A picture would be nice, Alan.

Primula polyneura is actually one of those bugbear species of seedlists, as it turns up with all sorts of different nametags  ::)
Diane Clement, Wolverhampton, UK
Director, AGS Seed Exchange

alan jones

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Re: Primula sikuensis
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2012, 05:03:21 PM »
Yes, Diane, a picture would be nice.  To my shame, although I have received generous pointers from you and Maggi Young, I have not mastered the art of filing one.  There are extenuating circumstances, but I will not plead them as a defence.  I am prepared to suffer the wrath of you both...as it will be well-deserved.  Inspired by Ian Young, I have a new camera and have been keeping a record of many of my plants, so all I can do is fall on the mercy of you both and promise to mend my ways.


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Re: Primula sikuensis
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 11:31:30 AM »
 P.sikuensis seems to be quite dainty.


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