Hello every flower hobbyist!
I am in Beijing China, in the last weekend(July-21st,2012),it was a strong raining/tornado/flood in my city Beijing, hundreds of people died(though our government said only 77 persons).Especially in southwest, many people and houses were flooded/destroyed by disaster. Included one kindergarten, all houses in 1 meter water over 2 days.
Angel Kindergarten is belong to
http://www.livinghopeintl.org/, a half for ordinary children, another half for orphans. Ordinary children supply profit, so orphans need not carry any fees. As school name showed, most of employees are Christian.
But now, all beds and furnitures have to be changed because dirty water. They need fund to run kindergarten and welcome children to come back in September.
I want to sell some seeds for donation, Clematis acerfolia, a rare species from SW Beijing----the flood area.
Clematis acerfolia is a dwarf bush, only height 5~20cm. Grows on lime cliff. It like extremely dry in winter, and moist, but well draining in summer. Under strong sunlight, especially sunset sunlight----I never find any plant grows on cliff, where face to north east or south. Flower from the end of April to the head of May, seeds mature in 2 weeks! If you visit situ in the third week, just only can collect few seeds....like me in this year.
Can not trust only need 2 weeks to mature? lol
Seeds will keep high germinate rate in the first year, fast germinate in 1 weeks after sowing.
As same as other rock garden plants, it need very well draining compost. I suppose compost contain gravel:loam=3:1 Seedlings need full sun, fresh air, and few fertilizer. Only one problem: growing very slow. Maybe need 3 or 5 years to bloom. Mature plants increase extremely slowly, only 1~5cm every year.
10seeds in each package, all seeds were collected in this May.
Original price 5.5US$+shipping fees 3.5US$=9US$,
Donation price only
8US$, included registered parcel. All income(seeds fees+postage) will be sent to kindergarten.
Without wholesale price because limited quantity.
20packages for SRGC member.
Place order or more qeustion, please Email me: yijiawang2005@gmail.com
I will post picture or invoice when the kindergarten receive the money.
Kindergarten blog:
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2656266291After flood :
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e53683301011ua4.htmlCleaning :
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e53683301011w0w.htmlFlood destroyed furniture list: