That's good to hear that my mind hadn't gone completely and I was trying to pretend it wasn't as late as I realize it is - if you see what I mean.
The others are all fine though need bigger pots for now and haven't budded yet. There's Lil. ox. insigne, Nom. pardanthina, N. aperta, a good form according to the label, N. x Findlayorum, all germinated well and are growing well at this time. More flowers next year I should think.
Will take a pic this morning of another rhodo which could be one of the Lem's hybs though not Lem's Monarch which I see I have in my new garden but not a good plant, two spindly, slanting stems which look as if they've grown away from a broken base. Both are in full bloom now but maybe the whole thing needs to be cut off and started over. Can't do that until late Feb though.