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Author Topic: Bulblog 47 - Nov. 21.  (Read 2927 times)

Katherine J

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Bulblog 47 - Nov. 21.
« on: November 22, 2007, 08:37:25 AM »
Ian, thank you for the cyclamens!!! They are my "lieblings". But this is a new love, so I have only two species yet, some hederifolium seedlings (one of them flowered a few weeks before) and some persicum mini hybrids. But I intend to sow many seeds next year. I have killed some persicums with overwatering  last years, but finally I know how to please them. :D
I have a picture here. This one (C. persicum too) I received as a gift last year, and it was dead in no time (2-3 days) after installing itself at my home. What do you (or anybody else) think is this just rotting or Fusarium, or something else?
Kata Jozsa - Budapest, Hungary
Zone 6



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Re: Bulblog 47 - Nov. 21.
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 09:03:54 AM »
I'll leave Ian to answer you question Kathrine.

Ian, if you ever think about planting out that Cyclamen cyprium, I would be happy to pay the postage for you to send it down here - just wonderful ;).

Now my own challenge (open to everybody as well) what is the crocus with the line running down its length in the picture below ?

Andrew, North Cambridgeshire, England.

Ian Y

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Re: Bulblog 47 - Nov. 21.
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2007, 09:35:50 AM »
I think it is just a wet rot, may be fusarium. The rot looks to have started at the base of the stems that is why it is so important to remove dead flower stems as cleanly as possible so they do not start to rot. If the old stems do start to rot then that rot can attack the healthy tissue of the corm. Also the way the nursery trade can grow cyclamen is amazing - they get so many leaves and flowers on a small corm. However this can lead to problems as this congested mass of stems hold moisture and so rotting is more likely to happen. I think the problem was already in the corm when you received it.

Andrew, here is a sharper image for your quiz question. Am I allowed to answer ::)
Ian Young, Aberdeen North East Scotland   - 
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Paul T

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Re: Bulblog 47 - Nov. 21.
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2007, 11:54:54 AM »
could be a laevigatus given the timing over there at the moment?  Also looks like imperatii ssp but I think they're still a way off for you guys as yet aren't they?

Ian, that Cyclamen cyprium is a beautiful leaf form.  Much nicer than the cyprium I have.  If our quarantine allowed it I'd be making the same offer as Andrew.  Then again if our quarantine allowed it there would be a lot of other things I'd be offering to host before I got to the Cyclamen I think!!  ;D
« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 11:56:43 AM by tyerman »

Paul T.
Canberra, Australia.
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Re: Bulblog 47 - Nov. 21.
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2007, 04:21:32 PM »
Andrew, here is a sharper image for your quiz question. Am I allowed to answer ::)

I think Paul is going to be the only one to guess, so yes Ian and thank you in advance.
Andrew, North Cambridgeshire, England.


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Re: Bulblog 47 - Nov. 21.
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2007, 08:25:10 PM »
I''m trying to take time to back read the whole bulb log, and I manage about two or three per week, learning as I go.  But today when I read this thread I had to skip forward to see the latest one, and guess what, it has valuable information about something I'm doing right now - yet again.  I have a Cyclamen persicum that has limp foliage.  I watered it tonight to see if it helps to pick it up, if not, I guess I'll have to look to see if there is something wrong with the corm!  Learning so much so fast, makes my head spin..... Thanks again Ian.
Chris Boulby
Northumberland, England


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