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That's what comes of looking at a nursery list on a wet day - cue retail therapy at Potterton's!! !!
Rimmer, I seem to have the same Allium as yours. Unfortunately, without a name. It was given to me some years ago as a year old seedlings with the notice "something alliacea". It must have been collected in Russia which doesn't exclude Chinese species. I will try to investigate. The plant is slender, with flowerheads of not more than 3 cm looking a bit greyish to me which the picture doesn't show
This 30" tall allium is just beginning to bloom now. Flowers are about 1.25" dia. Leaves are still green on stem and clasp stem at bottom few inchesGrown from NARGS seed 2009-10 #4484 from chinaAny Ideas on id?Thank you
Could it be allium macrostemon var uratense??I also post a photo from my macrostemon.(or maby the one Mark posted)?
Any idea on this vigorous small grass like allium with tiny buds forming on the end of the stems which are separate from the leaves Thanks
This small early blue onion came as Allium sikkimenseflowers hang from an umbelis this identified correctly?Thank you