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@hans jthe only wild lily i found to be native in corsica should be Lilium bulbiferum (var. croceum?). but i never saw a complete yellow form. could it be an asiatic hybrid, escaped from garden?
Hello Poul, If you have a few flowering sized bulbs to spare in the autumn, that would be nice, as I can use them for my project which i begun a few years ago trying to maintain, grow and save the old asiatic hybrids before they dissapear. This one is quite similar to the very nice enchantement which i have not yet found, as i believe it is sadly no longer in cultivation, but this mid century hybrid also looks very nice. What would you like in exchange? Pontus
@hans jthe only wild lily i found to be native in corsica should be Lilium bulbiferum (var. croceum?). but i never saw a complete yellow form. could it be an asiatic hybrid, escaped from garden?@pontusthx for your kind offer. the martagon hybrid 'Dark Prince' looks great, but i only cultivate true species. i grow some cattaniae seedlings, but it will last some years till i'll see whether they are true cattaniae. so i'm looking to get adult bulbs to shorten the time, as i'm so impatient.
Martagon lilies are coming into flower nowI notice some have only a few hairs on the buds and others are very hairy Lilium martagon