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Yesterday I went to the Negev Desert to visit a site of Muscari filiforme.It hasn't flowered in this location for the last 3 years due to the sever drought, but this year after 20mm of water and it is blooming.
Could someone tell me the difference between: white rose beauty and white beauty?and the difference between: pink sunrise, pink sunset and rosy sunrise. RegardsErwin
How nice of you, Oron, to share all these unknown treasures with us. Is there a book where we can find them discussed?
Here H. heldreichii (JJA571.140) and H. lazulina.
Can someone explain the diagnostic distinctions between Hyacinthella heldreichii and H. lazulina?Thank youRimmerSE Michigan USAin the deep freeze with no snow cover
Great pic of Muscari filiforme . I have seen it in Syria before. Another use and abuse plant. No other way to grow it.Reichjke
Now this is some thing new:I have received a bulb of this Bellevalia from Janis as Bellevalia sp. RRW9913.It is doing very well here and has now 5 flower spikes.After having the exact location from Bob Wallis, it all fitted to Bellevalia densiflora. It is the first time photo of this species is shown. Distributed in NW Syria and NE Lebanon.This species characterized by very long glaucus leaves [35cm].Flowers are creamy/yellow and anthers start pale lilac but after few hours they turn yellow which as far as i know is the only Bellevalia species to have yellow anthers.