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Dimitri, if the green outer segment colouring (virescens) in snowdrops like Green Mile was caused by phytoplasma, surely those snowdrops with green outers would pass the infection to other snowdrops through sap-sucking insect vectors, and through mixing of sap by the hands of growers when picking flowers, propagating bulbs etc. ? But in gardens this does not seem to happen. Can phytoplasma infection be transmitted in seed?
I rather prefer to collect and select not green but like this one nivalis form found by me in one forest in the wild in Kiev vicinities Is it really beautiful??? that I really fear to infect it via this Chugaister one....
I really like that too Dimitri - very pretty.
At last here are a couple of photos(i hope?) of our green tipped woronowii.It is just a day or two from flowering this year,and this will be it's sixth year of flowering.This has been chipped,but it only makes pips not bulblets,so you will have to wait while for one of these.It is a hardy plant with me in north yorkshire and hope you all like it.