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Author Topic: Bulbs I am still looking for  (Read 1311 times)


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Bulbs I am still looking for
« on: March 25, 2013, 02:07:39 PM »
Hello everyone,

lately I compiled a list of various bulbs I am still looking for to try and complete my collection, so I thought I would post it here in case anyone happened to have any of these sp. Some of these are very rare, so I assume not easy to find.

Anyone who may have any of these please feel free to send me your wishlists as well, so I can see if I have anything you may want, for possible swaps :)


Here is the list :

- Arisaema album
- arisaema heterocephalum
- arisaema ilanense
- Arisaema sp 'co bang'
- arisaema thunbergii subsp autumnale
- arisaema sazenzoo variegated leaf form
- arisaema barnesii
- arisaema heterophyllum 'bango'
- amaryllis hippeastrum mandonii
- amaryllis hippeastrum yungacensis kiara
- worsleya reyeneri
- crocus scardicus
- crocus x goteburghensis
- crocus mathewii + mathewii dream dancer
- boophane ernstii rushii (specimens)
- crinum acaule
- any USA lilium sp
- iris gatesii
- lilium thunderbolt + honeydew and also devon dawn
- any galanthus from the gold group
- xerophyllum tenax
- fritillaria recurva


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