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Steve is being a little coy when he said he did 'OK' for a first-timer. He won the Northumberland Cup (for someone who has not exhibited and won a first prize at an AGS or SRGC national show before), the Cyril Barnes Trophy (for most first prize points in the novice section, and a certificate of merit for the fine Cyclamen persicum shown below with the proud owner.Of course, as I pointed out to him, now he has some trophies, he'll have to continue exhibiting, if only to bring the trophies back next year.
It is not often that we get interesting viola on the show bench but this year we had 4 distinct viola on display so all 4 in sequenceViola beckwithii v beckwithii in class 25, Ian KidmanViola trinervata (25) George YoungViola brevistipulata var hidakana (29) Barry Winter)Viola alpina (102) Keith and Rachel Lever (and won the Eric Watson trophy as a result)