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Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
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Topic: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits (Read 64294 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1222
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #45 on:
May 11, 2013, 02:51:52 PM »
Tim, what a great idea to show some of the plant packing methods. Looking forward to the pictures.
Steep, rocky and cold in the
Hudson River Valley in New York State
Tim Ingram
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Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #46 on:
May 12, 2013, 10:03:34 AM »
There were plants for sale at many of the gardens we visited and a 'Dirty Room' was set aside for us in the Hotel to store these over the week; a few lucky individuals even had balconies in which to leave plants. By the final day I had reached the limit of what I could carry home, but further temptation was there at the Alpine Display held in a church garden in Prague. (At its height Zdenek said that this event attracted over 30000 visitors over the period it was held, a pretty impressive reflection on the skills of those who have organised it over the years).
So, packing all these plants? Various clever ideas were discussed and plastic water bottles proved ideal for holding several bare rooted plants wrapped in paper towel and small plastic bags. Each of those in the second picture held three or four plants. Larger plants, like the small conifers, could then sit on these and be packed around with bubble wrap etc. Jiri Papousek, in his outwardly calm and efficient way, had also arranged for delivery of plants by carrier (TNT), and provided us with packing cases and materials. The technique here was to pack pots with clingfilm wrap (which helped to hold them together), as tightly as possible, so the box could be placed on its side without any plants moving. What happens if the box is turned upside down? Here ingenuity comes into play and everyone developed different ways of packing above the plants using cardboard, old pots and water bottles. If the plants were packed very tightly originally, however, they would be difficult to dislodge, and hopefully the boxes would be transported upright (?!). Perhaps most clever of all was Martin Sheader's packing of smaller cushion-like species which ensured that the plants were held firmly whatever they experienced. (By the way whilst we were all doing this we also cast envious glances at many of the plants others had bought and which we hadn't discovered!).
(to be continued... )
Dr. Timothy John Ingram. Nurseryman & gardener with strong interest in plants of Mediterranean-type climates and dryland alpines. Garden in Kent, UK.
utterly butterly
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Posts: 5069
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #47 on:
May 12, 2013, 11:22:09 AM »
Packing plants 5 is an exact replication of the ingenious method used by Gerd Stopp to transport his beautiful little plants around the world (he uses 'slightly' more sellotape). They all arrive in perfect condition and provide hours of pleasure in the opening.
Cliff Booker
Behind a camera in Whitworth. Lancashire. England.
Tim Ingram
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Posts: 1955
Umbels amongst others
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #48 on:
May 12, 2013, 06:21:28 PM »
I have high hopes that my box will arrive in similar condition Cliff - there are some great plants coming, including
Callianthemum farreri
which was discussed earlier on in the Forum.
The last day in Prague was uniformly wet; frustrating for all those nurserymen and Czech Rock Garden Society members who had brought plants along to their Show, but this is held for a week (or more?) and so holds promise for better weather. Rain really doesn't deter anyone with an interest in alpine plants, so the second picture shows the sales area packed out. As usual in such events everyone heads straight for the plant sales, which is something Shows in the UK could learn from in attracting more members of the public (ie: in the way they are promoted).
By now the final stages of packing plants had been reached - the question: what would the Airport X-Ray Machine and its friendly tenders make of this array of plastic bottles? In the event they had a look and scratched their heads at why anyone should be carrying home such a collection of little plants. Delegates from beyond the EU and the rest of Europe and Russia had to wash plants and obtain phytosanitary certificates (all organised by Vojtech Holubec). The boxes of plants, all carefully packed as though what they contained was as valuable as antique crockery (and surely it was) were left to the kind offices of Jiri, who throughout instilled confidence in us all. These will arrive sometime next week, a little drawn and etiolated perhaps, but a reminder of many remarkable gardens and gardeners. As for my hand luggage - these have now been repotted into coarse sharp sand and left in a cool shady spot to acclimatise, and I have even convinced my wife that dwarf conifers are quite good fun after all!
At the end of the event Jiri wondered if we would take home more than just the plants and actually pick up on the Czech ways of growing (which of course some do already). That would be good because they do grow plants so very well, and I would like to flower my gentians like those in the next entry.
Dr. Timothy John Ingram. Nurseryman & gardener with strong interest in plants of Mediterranean-type climates and dryland alpines. Garden in Kent, UK.
Tim Ingram
Hero Member
Posts: 1955
Umbels amongst others
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #49 on:
May 12, 2013, 06:25:30 PM »
If you would like to see more details of the trip, I aim to take a closer look at the plants and gardens and people on the AGS website - and perhaps others will do too - so this picture is just a taster; there was a lot more like this!
Dr. Timothy John Ingram. Nurseryman & gardener with strong interest in plants of Mediterranean-type climates and dryland alpines. Garden in Kent, UK.
utterly butterly
Hero Member
Posts: 5069
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #50 on:
May 12, 2013, 06:44:07 PM »
Oh, Callianthemum farreri ... now you've made me cry!!!!
Cliff Booker
Behind a camera in Whitworth. Lancashire. England.
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Posts: 1222
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #51 on:
May 13, 2013, 10:06:19 PM »
What incredible gentians!
Steep, rocky and cold in the
Hudson River Valley in New York State
SRGC Subscription Secretary
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Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #52 on:
May 14, 2013, 01:04:24 PM »
Just getting back on my feet again, been bowled over completely by the Conference and Garden Visits. Anyway, here's my first photo from the Conference for your delight.... Friday night was Scottish Night with such a large delegation attending, including quite a few forumists. Maggi compared the show which was followed by West Highland Terrier Scottish Shortbread biscuits washed down with Scotch. Several bottles of Scotch and the room was in uproar.... Here's our moderator in full flow.... A jolly good night was had by all....
Chris Boulby
Northumberland, England
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Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #53 on:
May 14, 2013, 08:32:21 PM »
While I wait for my plants to arrive, I've downloaded a few more pics.
First, Vojtech's trough demonstration. Its made me re-think how I do mine and I plan to modify them all in time, giving much more thought to where I place the rocks
Two views from the road behind our hotel giving you an idea of the countryside around it
One of the magnificent buildings in Tabor old town Square
Street that lead to the chocolate factory.....
Chris Boulby
Northumberland, England
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Posts: 3167
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #54 on:
May 14, 2013, 10:27:00 PM »
I found places for the plants that I took back in my suitcase and hand luggage. Wasn't it a great trip. Thanks to everyone that made it a fun time. It was great meeting folks form all over the world.
I am really glad that I went and the gardens were to die for. Every garden had its own unique style. Just wish we had the weather like they have over there, its freezing here.
Never made it to the chocolate factory but on the first day I found the chocolate shop and the bag of sweeties didn't last long , well they would have melted quick
I am also waiting for my two boxes of plants to arrive. Happy days.
Thanks again to the folks that made the trip a great success and I can't wait till the next time. Hopefully it won't be to long, want to be able to climb up all that hills.
Will post some pictures later.
Angie T.
....just outside Aberdeen in North East Scotland
SRGC Subscription Secretary
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Posts: 2370
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #55 on:
May 15, 2013, 01:20:10 PM »
We were split into three groups for the coach trips to gardens, and the first one our coach arrived at was the garden of Vaclav Vostrak in Chysky.
When we went through the gate the garden looked very nice.
But when we turned the corner around the back of the house, we saw the rock garden proper! Wonderful sight....
There was a bed full of witches' brooms.
As it was our first garden, I snapped lots of flowers, here is a gentian and a frit pic
And before we left we were also treated to a tray of apple slice, very tasty....
Chris Boulby
Northumberland, England
Ian Y
Bulb Despot
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Posts: 2130
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Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #56 on:
May 15, 2013, 03:36:29 PM »
I am sure that we all had a wonderful time enjoying the places, the plants and most importantly the people.
I have masses of pictures and will post them as I get time.
This first batch shows the ones I took, just after we arrived, in the town square of Tabor, which was only about 500 M from the hotel.
The old buildings were so decorative -I loved the 24 hour clock face which appropriately has the initials ZZ included
Even the cobbles were laid in decorative patterns.
Scrafitti and basrelief plaster work as seen here and in the next post.
Ian Young, Aberdeen North East Scotland -
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.
Ian Y
Bulb Despot
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Posts: 2130
Why grow one bulb when you can grow two:-))
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #57 on:
May 15, 2013, 03:38:26 PM »
Statues and relief work in the plaster.
This is the street that leads to the Chocolate shop
Ian Young, Aberdeen North East Scotland -
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.
Full Member
Posts: 242
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #58 on:
May 15, 2013, 05:23:29 PM »
I just want to say to all of you that were not able to go; we missed you and we were sorry we could not share all the experiences with you.
Hopefully people will continue posting photos and stories about our time in Czech Republic so you will feel almost as you were there with us. I have a lot of nice pictures, but no idea how to convert them from RAW into jpeg. By the time I have figured out how to do it, you are all already somewhere else in your thoughts.
To the people that did go to the conference I just want to say to all of you: A big thank you for making my stay so nice and interesting!
And for those who signed the postcard for my friend who could not come; you really made his day. He got very happy!
The fastest way to reach your goal is to take one step at a time
Frank Cooper
Posts: 15
Re: Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
Reply #59 on:
May 15, 2013, 06:48:19 PM »
So many wonderful rock gardens.
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Reports from the 2nd International Czech Rock Garden Conference and Garden visits
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