In my experience, pleione like light, but not direct sunlight, to grow well. Those I grew (temporarily placed and then forgot) in the shade never did anything. They should be moist but not wet at all times. Too much water leads to rotting.
It is also not a good idea to let them dry out too much, as can happen during a very hot spell; it sets them back really badly, as I noticed this summer when one of my growing areas overheated. I am renting some space at a local garden centre, and they forgot to put shading on the glass (now corrected).
When the compost dries out completely for any time, then the small hairs on the roots shrivel up and the plant is unable to take moisture from the compost when next watered and it takes a while to recover. Leaf tips turn brown and growth of the new pseudobulb is checked.
So as in most things, a happy medium is best. And another lesson I learnt is that one can't water by date, say every Wednesday. One should water according to the condition of the plants, which depends on weather, location, compost etc. Regarding compost, one may start with a mixture that is fairly open and drains well, therefore requiring frequent watering. But during the year, the compost starts to decompose and compress and becomes more water retentive. I find picking up pots and checking the weight in my hand is a good measure. If heavy leave well alone, if light, water.