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I've shown this plant elsewhere on the Forum but it just keeps getting better and better and I can't stop photographing it! Mea culpa.Zauschneria californica 'etteri'
Maggi, have you tried the dwarf zauschnerias? They seem to be tougher for some reason. They all want super drainage, some of them are semi-desert plants.
This is gracing our kitchen window sill at the moment. Its a Crinodendrum Clerodendrum ugandense and a pretty little thing it is too. Given to us by a generous forum member.
Glad that it bloomed for you! Trust me, in three or four years it'll not be a little thing any more! Good news is that cuttings strike very easily. Mine goes in the ground next year as I now have good sized back up plants (which there is a 99% chance that they will be needed).I actually got three seeds from mine this year which is a first in all the years that I've had mine.
..... I think it would have flowered again if the weather had not turned colder!