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636 emails downloading my email address is working again
Any one run the newest version of AVG? It contains a one off Computer scan. I ran it and it came up with a list of 'errors'. However it does not seem to fix any of them (except perhaps if one pays). So if these 'errors' actually exist, what is the best way to remove them. Idiots guide please.
Dreaded blue screen ...My desk top c10 years old keeps crashing. The end in near.Who should I buy a new desk top from?
Maybe it's something to do with my magnetic personality!
Ian's proximity to a radio does terrible things to the signal....
I have a problem with my bedside radio. When I switch it on it performs perfectly but when I take my hand away the signal breaks up. If I want to listen to a program I have to lie with my hand outside the duvet touching the case. Either the radio must need reassurance that I am still there or that my dental fillings are deflecting the signal. Maybe a digital radio would be the answer !