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Maren has a bug which she has lived with and resented rather than seeking assistance.
... assistance has been sought everywhere without success.
Fair enough, but what do you do when Outlook Express prompts you to compact the folders? If you don't do it then they are liable to get corrupted and you'll lose all your emails. If you do do it then accidentally turn-off or distract the computer whilst the process is taking place then the folders get corrupted and you are liable to lose all your emails.Outlook Express, and other contemporary email programs, were never designed for the sheer volume of emails we get these days. If they get too full they just cannot cope.
Oh how you must all envy the pure simplicity, beauty and intuition of a Mac.
Well, that's true for me, David - I've been pleasantly astounded by the charms of an iPad since Ian got one ...... I have plans!!
That is like saying that your sports car is more stylish than my Peugeot 206. Well, yes; but that is because you have paid two or three times the price for your car(/computer) than I paid for mine.
I have presently 2415 mails in my inbox and that represents ca 0.9 G. The maximum allowed size is 2G.
If the size of the box is approaching the limit, it is not difficult to create a new local folder, name it say Inbox11 and move all mails received last year to that. This may be a better way than compacting
why should we have to re-learn every time Mr Macrohard changes the OS?
W7 is faster than XP but I have not found a way to have two W-explorer windows open at the same time and that complicates sorting and reshuffling.
I don't believe I said anything about style [although of course they are]
and if you compare on a fair like with like basis, which most people don't, there isn't a great deal of difference in price. Macs have most things you could want included and all the software integrates seamlessly.