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... I have myself had some problems posting recently- I found that my internet connection was appallingly slow. Trouble is, it can appear good enough a speed but i can fall suddenly and that is where he problem arises. I suppose that the fact that the world and his wife are online at this time of year doesn't help! Not something I can do anything about, I'm afraid.
... I have myself had some problems posting recently- I found that my internet connection was appallingly slow. Trouble is, it can appear good enough a speed but it can fall suddenly and that is where he problem arises. I suppose that the fact that the world and his wife are online at this time of year doesn't help! Not something I can do anything about, I'm afraid. That's a popular misconception. Your internet connection is highly-strung and very sensitive to disruption. It doesn't like some Xmas lights, street lights, unfiltered Sky boxes, telephone extensions with too may wires connected etc etc. If you are trying to access a popular site then the number of other people trying to do the same thing can affect the speed greatly but that probably doesn't apply to the SRGC sites.