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I have similar berries on a Sorbus that came to me as Sorbus fruticosa.It grows to about 1.5m high, then it tends to get pruned to keep it small, so I don't know how high it would grow if unchecked.
Thanks Peter and Darren. Unfortunately my opportunities to buy from Aberconwy are limited without mail order, but have you ever tried propagating it from seed?
I hope they realise how many members of thirty years plus like us will leave if the shows are decimated
David, one of the best things about shows is the nursery access, they act as a showcase for plants and nurseries. you are not alone in using them for that purpose. It's also often where nurseries source material to bring new plants to the market. many of the plants you but started on a showbench and then made it to general circulation. Yes for us addicts it is an addiction but that is not the only purpose of shows, great places for book and seed sales as well.If you would like a discussion on the AGS forum try starting one!
If you would like a discussion on the AGS forum try starting one!