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I once found a cross between P flaccida and P vailli. There is a photo here somewhere on the forum. It didn't set seed and I lost it eventually. Susan
Very dramatic photo Steve. Wish to heck I could get that sharp of focus, but my eyes are not good enough to set it that good from the finder screen.
Omphalogrammas are a favourite of mine, Steve. I used to grow O. minus and O. delavayi in my garden in Aberdeen. They were in a shady bed with a high humus content. I now live across the water from you.1. Omphalogramma delavayi2. Omphalogramma minus
Maureen - Exquisite Omphs. Might I suggest when you post pix of plants of such rarity that you ask Maggi for a dispensation on pic size. Ask for the very largest possible!What a feat!johnw
So long as photo files are under 200KB they can be much larger, "pixel wise" than the size Maureen has posted. We do suggest that pix are around 760 pixels wide, maximum to avoid too much scrolling on the average screen. This does allow a photo of good size to shown fine detail, as can be seen elsewhere in the forum. So no special dispensation is needed!
Fantastic bloom Maureen. The color, texture and fringed look of the petals in the first photo is wonderful. Are the petal reverses the same color?