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Going Wild for TulipsFor anyone with an interest in wild tulips pictured in nature I can thoroughly recommend this little booklet by Eric Breed.There are 42 species beautiful photographed in their habitat in for instance Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, but also in Crete and Switzerland.The photos are made over several years by Eric Breed, Wim Lemmers, Marijn van den Brink, Sjaak de Groot, Arie Peterse and most trips were guided by Vladimir Kolbintsjev.The price of this little booklet is € 9,95 excl. p. p. Details on ordering etc. can be obtained from Eric Breed:
Thanks, Maggi,that's a brilliant slide-show but raises a few questions, such as what exactly am I growing labelled T. kolpakowskiana? cheersfermi
Fermi: your tulip is a nameless member of the ferganica group, it is easy to see on the hairy stems ( kolpakovskiana and its alies have no hairs on the stem). I grow similair plants from the hills on south side of the fergana valley.Sjaak de Groot