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C. purpurascens seedlings, germinated early summer onwards last year. It's interesting to compare the germination and growth rates of the different pots (each from a separate plant).
I doubt that we have that many C. purpurescens in the entire country! cheersfermi
Hello, I'm a teacher and amateur nature pfotographer in Afyon province (West Turkey). A small population of C. mirabile is living near of Afyon. I found a new natural leaf form of C. mirabile. Turkey, Ömer ESER
I suppose your hot, dry summers may not suit purpurascens as much as some of the other species but presumably it can be, and is, grown well in Aus? If you'd have wanted to land a low blow you could have said I have more seedlings than England have runs.
Fermi do you know the difference between soccer and cricket ??
great germination Steve, I usually find it comes up in ones and twos from seed exchanges - what's your secret?
Hello, I'm a teacher and amateur nature pfotographer in Afyon province (West Turkey). A small population of C. mirabile is living near of Afyon. I found a new natural leaf form of C. mirabile.