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I've just started my Cyclamen re-potting, and a question please. I have a bunch of pots of Cyclamen graecum all grown from seed sown August/September 2008 and these have so far produced tubers of around squash ball size. None have produced flowers and the tubers/roots look healthy enough. My mix is my usual bulb mix (JI No.2, sand, grit) augmented with composted bark. I have never fed any of my Cyclamen apart from the odd watering with tomato fertiliser having read somewhere that they didn't need it. Am I doing something wrong?
Steve, I have my graecum in clay long toms but not plunged.
One of my better Cyclamen purpurascens - very early this year, in the past I've shown it still in flower at the Cyclamen Society show in September...
Steve, is that 'Green Ice'? Super plant, whatever the name
I have had a really good seed harvest this year, here are some seeds drying.