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hello friends,this is the first purpurascens this summer in my garden
I have two seedlingplants from a buddy in Czech Rep. which originate from "Velka Fatra" mountains,and both have same color. its not so dark.these plants have plain leaves and a paler color.maybe there are also cultivars with darker color.But I have not seen any "fatrense" for years in nurseries.........(sometimes I heared that plain leaf are only called "fatrense"but are not true from Fatra mountains)as far as I know, "all fatrense" from cultivation have plain leaves, but my buddy told, that there are also plants with marbeled leaves are in the mountains......
This may have been discussed before or it may have been in the Cyclamen Society Journal. I have some Cyclamen grown from Cyclamen Society seed sown in December 2007. The label says Cyclamen hederifolium confusum ex PN99/151 Zakythnos.The new cyclamen book casts doubt on this name and says plants found on Zakythnos may be Cyclamen hederifolium ssp. crassum. The plants are large and fast growing. One in particular has very sturdy stems and large flowers and leaves and has 3 flowers open now. They are early flowering but confusum is supposed to be late flowering. What is the true identity of this collection?
Has anyone seen this before. I've seen other Cyclamen, particularly persicum develop new growing points round the edge of a damaged growing point or large tubers grow from several points. This is the first time I have seen new growth from under the tuber. I don't think it grew 2 years ago. Last year it was very slow in starting then produced lots of leaves round the edge of the pot. The first picture is from the top.Cyclamen hederifolium 'Fairy Rings'
...So it could be from my plant which is a strong grower with dark leaves and a central silver 'splosh' (but not quite so distinctive or as good as 'Silver Shield').
Kris - Here too a silver purpurascens with large dark flowers. Most here are happiest in filtred sun especially this year as it has been so dry. This is the first time I have seen them with curled leaves in full sun.johnw