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Steve, what a fabulous leaf shape on your silver leaf C.purpurascens, haven't seen that before.
I can echo that - how big a pot is that in?
Thought I'd share this pic of a Cyclamen rohlfsianum in flower - from Cyclamen Society seed.
I decided to repot my Cyclamen rohlfsianum yesterday. The two bigger ones are in 9 inch pots. I did consider putting them in bigger pots but I needed two hands to carry them and managing the stairs without holding the banister is getting a bit tricky so I squeezed them back in the same pots. The slightly smaller plant got a bigger pot. The first one is about 6 inches diameter and 5 inches deep. The second slightly smaller and number three a little smaller still. They had about one inch clearance all round at the top and reached about halfway down the pot. It was interesting that they had grown down the way when they were running out of room sideways.
Looks like you've got lots of flowers coming through, Roma. How old are those two tubers?
They were sown in 1983 so I suppose that makes them 31 years old. I think the parents are still alive at the Cruickshank Botanic Garden in Aberdeen. They were collected in Libya in 1952.