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Thanks folks! Excellent info! Sounds like I need to stock up on Systemic Pesticide? Is there a particular one that works well? I did read that Galanthus grown in permanent shade were less likely to get attacked? So I have gone for a north wall. Not the best place to show them off?Does anyone think this works? I will definitely be clearing away old foliage. I wonder if Bacillus thuringiensis would work as a biological control or Nematodes aimed at Vine Weevil? I prefer biological control. I use MET52 as standard in my compost to control Vine Weevil but not sure if the nematodes would go for Narcissus Fly larvae as well?The sun is out! So time to take some photos...
I've started using a cheap children's seaside fishing net (the kind with a small net on the end of a bamboo cane) to catch narcissus fly as they settle on snowdrop leaves, then squish them in the net. It causes less damage than lashing out with my old tennis racket near snowdrop leaves.