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Definitely not Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum. I am intrigued by Oron's suggestion of a good floriferous form of A. vineale, but if so...WOW, never have seen a form of vineale that floriferous with so many flowers, thus ny doubts. I have seen forms of A. vineale that have more flowers than bulbils percentage-wise, but none like that. On first glance, it appeared to me as a lax (perhaps immature) form of A. ampeloprasum, or one of a dozen closely related species once considered a variety or subspecies of ampeloprasum. A photo of the foliage would help considerably, as vineale and ampeloprasum-et-al have drastically different foliage.
Hair we go again It might be worth revisiting the Allium 'Hair' mystery from back in 2010, where plants labeled 'Hair" are mostly unattributed as to species, but when assigned a species, it's a muddle, mostly split between vineale, sphaerocephalon, and a couple other species thrown in.
can anyone help with my query a few posts up? The Allium ceasium? pic.