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Splendid Nomocharis there Susuan and Cyril - what a treat.Thorkild you have lovely ones as well no matter what they are. Latestart - I've never seen a Nomocharis I didn't like so just take the plunge and grow some seed. They are slow for the first 3 years here in Nova Scotia.Pontus - I've been growing N.s for 25 or more years and I cannot say I have ever had so much as a single offset. Susan? Cyril? I suppose one might try rooting a few scales but better by seed as virus buildup is a serious concern, I've had to toss my oldest ones and that is painful.johnw
what a beautifull plant the saulensis is, ! I had never seen it before! Please let me know if you ever get some seed...or maybe a small offset in time..Pontus
Thank you Johnw and Susan, i will definitely have a go if I can get my hands on some seeds. I agree there will be no disappointment with this one. They are all beautiful. I have taken note of your growing instructions.