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Two giant clumps of Sternbergia lutea taken last week in Andalusia, the first has 53 flowers!!
Sternbergia clusiana.I am not good at taking camera and also posting them. At last I succeed it again.After fadeing Sternbergia luteas, S.clusianas begun to bloom..
I have seen many Sternbergia's on several occasions in Crete and the Pelops ....And when you look at them on this places , I can assure that the differences between al this forms are very hard to define .....There so many 'in betweens ' and ' affinis or conforma ' ....So to me, many looks like different kind of habitatforms .......but are in fact the same species.
ikizzeki,the Sternbergia clusiana look really nice.Unfortunately, here they are quite difficult in the culture.