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Is it Helleborus multifidus hercegovinus ?
I don't think the foliage is divided enough is it?
The long pedicels and the large bracts lead me to believe that your plant is H. dumetorum, Ian. The plant looks too demure for either H. cyclophyllus or H. odorus.
Tom Mitchell told me "That's one of the joys/frustrations of the genus. Unless you know where a plant is from, naming it accurately is well nigh impossible."
Yes but did he also tell you that there is tremendous variation within single populations so it can be a bit of a lucky dip when the seed germinates
Here's a photo to illustrate that point. I took it in April 2006 in a colony of northern H. torquatus in Croatia, close to the border with Bosnia. From a horticultural point of view, the plants in this colony are the best I have ever seen. Plenty of double flowered plants at this site too.